Youth Ministries

FISH ("Fun In Serving Him")







Do you want to have fun?  Do you want to learn while having fun?  Then FISH is for you and your friends, big fish and little fish.  While oFISHally starting in September, why not sign up now to reel in some summer fun?  FISH is our new youth group for children from ages 5/6 to 10/11 and beyond!  Older children are not only welcome as bigger FISH but may even enjoy leadership opportunities. 

 Join the fun on the second Sunday of every month from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.  It is free to swim with our FISHES!  All you need to do is call 717-637-8904 or e-mail to jump in the net and join the fun!   




Contact the church office for details on the next ALiVE! events.

Links to Helpful Resources

Youth Ministry Links

Links to resources and tested practical ideas for faith formation

Home Grown Faith

A leading researcher and teacher in faith in the family home, with curated materials and resources for helping equip parents to accompany their own youth

The Daily BREW

A daily devotional web resource on Facebook

ELCA Youth Ministry Network
Home of the network of youth and family ministry volunteers, staff, and pastoral leaders who have responsibility for faith formation in the congregational setting

ELCA Youth Gathering

Home of the ELCA Youth Gathering, held every three years for high school youth. Scheduled for June 27 - July 1, 2018, in Houston, Texas.

Synod Office for Children, Youth & Family Ministry

Home site for our office, supports youth ministry leaders in the congregation

Young Adults

The Facebook home of our synod’s Young Adults ministry

Lower Susquehanna Synod LYO

The Facebook home of our synod’s Lutheran Youth Organization