Spiritual Growth

“…that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will

in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,

so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord,

fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work

and as you grow in the knowledge of God.”   

Colossians 1:9b-10


Joining with the angels and the saints of all times and places, we raise our hearts and minds to the Lord in praise, prayer, and study. All so that we may mature in our faith journey and grow in our relationship with God.


We do this ministry of spiritual growth by:

  • Worshipping the Lord with liturgy and music that is both traditional and varied.
  • Offering and supporting prayers for each other, for the church, and for all that are in need.
  • Learning and developing the faith in classes and study for children and adults.

Weekly Bible Study

Each week, we study the Bible as a group led by Pastor Kirk. We meet on Friday mornings from 11:00am until 12:00noon.


We've recently added an online component, welcoming virtual participants via Microsoft Teams.


To join us virtually (via audio only), use the following link:






For our current supplemental materials in PDF format, please email the church office.




Worship & Music

Worship at St. Mark



The church is the assembly of all believers gathered in spiritual worship of our Lord and Savior. It is where the gospel is purely preached and the Holy Sacraments are administered according to the gospel.  


Here at St. Mark we generally follow a liturgy that flows from gathering to greeting; from confession to praise; from scripture to prayer; from offering to communion; and from blessing to sending. This liturgy is listed in the bulletins that are sitting in the pews for a season of the church year. Additional handouts are given each week that list the chosen scripture and music for the week, along with any other needed announcements.


The Lutheran church has a library of published worship materials. We routinely use the green hymnals of the Lutheran Book of Worship and the blue hymnal With One Voice to supplement. We also may include in the handouts or bulletins parts of the red Evangelical Lutheran Worship or other materials as needed.







Hymns for March


  March 2 – Transfiguration

     LBW 89 How Good, Lord, to Be Here!

     LBW 518 Beautiful Savior           


  March 9 – 1st Sunday in Lent

     WOV 780 What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine

     LBW 341 Jesus Still Lead On


  March 16 – 2nd Sunday in Lent

     LBW 358 Glories of Your Name Are Spoken

     LBW 496 Around You, O Lord Jesus

     LBW 415 God of Grace and God of Glory


  March 23 – 3rd Sunday in Lent

     WOV 668 There in God’s Garden  vss. 1-4

     LBW 343 Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer


  March 30 – 4th Sunday in Lent

     LBW 499 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

     LBW 448 Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

     LBW 290 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy


Handbell Choir

Learn to ring and share in the music of melody. Handbells are a simple instrument to learn and we have a fun group that meets each Sunday following worship to learn and have fellowship. 

Call our Director of Music,  Melinda Elnaggar at the church for more information

Trinity Choir

Through group practices and individual instructions, Melinda Elnaggar leads our adult choir in singing new and uplifting songs throughout the year. We even have been known to have special soloists and duets join in the fun. All are welcome to come and sing along. See Melinda for more information. 






Christian Education and Learning

Vacation Bible School - VBS


Each Summer, near the end of July or beginning of August, St. Mark and St. Paul (York St.) Lutheran churches co-host a week-long Vacation Bible School for children nursery to 5th grade.


Each year's theme is picked and centered on a topic that will interest the kids and teach them the Bible stories of God. 


There is story time, music time, craft time, games, and lots of fun each year.




Please Join Us for Sunday School


Sunday School

   Nursery 10:20-11:00

   Elementary 10:20-11:20

   Middle School class 10:20-11:20

Confirmation Class with Pastor




Bible Study


From 11:00am to 12 noon on Fridays at the church and online via Microsoft Teams (audio only). Check out the link at the top of this page to join us virtually. Study materials are provided in-person. If you are joining virtually, email the church office at stmarkhanover@yahoo.com for a .pdf of materials. 

No experience is necessary!

All Are Welcome!